Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)
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"Propagation Loss Measurement due to Miscellaneous Phenomenon at 5.6 GHz Band",
PIER-C: Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 32, pp. 207-220, Oct., 2012.
"Propagation Path Loss and Materials Insertion Loss in Indoor Environment at WiMAX Band of 3.3 to 3.6 GHz",
Wireless Personal Communication, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 251 - 260, Sep., 2012.
"Proposed FDSS UWB communications system",
Wireless Technology, 2005. The European Conference on, pp. 137-140, Oct, 2005.
"Partial overlay of intelligent FDSS on microwave point to point link using subchannel suppression, downlink analysis of the FDSS system",
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002. The 13th IEEE International Symposium on, vol. 2, pp. 770-773 vol.2, Sept, 2002.