Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)
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"Algorithmic Implementation of a Hybrid 2D Finite Element - Mode Matching Method Based on Nested Function Spaces",
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019, 2019.
"Analysis and design of horn antennas with arbitrary profile using mode-matching",
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, CMN 2015, July, 2015.
"Analytical expressions of the Q-factor for the complete resonant mode spectrum of the equilateral triangular waveguide cavity",
Electronics Letters, vol. 55, no. 17, pp. 944-947, 2019.
"Analytical far-zone calculation of the field radiated from an equilateral triangular aperture",
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5668-5672, 2019.
"Antenas planas con redes de alimentación de bajas pérdidas y control de apuntamiento para aplicaciones de defensa y seguridad",
Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad, pp. 1-8, Nov, 2013.
"Antenna design by means of the fruit fly optimization algorithm",
Electronics (Switzerland), vol. 7, no. 1, 2018.
"Array design for different SLL and null directions with an interior-point optimization method from the generalized-scattering-matrix and spherical modes",
Antennas and Propagation, 2009. EuCAP 2009. 3rd European Conference on, pp. 1381-1385, March, 2009.
"Array Thinning of Coupled Antennas Based on the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method and a Spherical-Wave Expansion for Far-Field Synthesis",
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 5425-5432, Dec, 2015.
"Cad of stacked patch antennas through multipurpose admittance matrices from FEM and neural networks",
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2411-2416, Sep, 2008.
"A Compact Lenslet as an Alternative to Corrugated Horns for Astronomy Applications",
2018 48th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2018, pp. 424-427, 2018.
"Computer Automated Design of an Irregular Slotted Waveguide Array for Ku-Band",
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 1593-1597, 2016.
"Convex optimization of MRI exposure for mitigation of RF-heating from active medical implants",
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 60, no. 18, pp. 7293, 2015.
"Desarrollo de componentes pasivos con división/combinación de potencia para sistemas de comunicaciones",
Simposium Nacional URSI 2015, September, 2015.
"Direct computation of parabolic waveguide modes via a bivariate root-finding algorithm",
Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 152–154, 2017.
"Diseño automatizado de antenas de parches apilados en cavidad mediante descomposición de dominio en el MEF, redes neuronales y optimización global",
Proc. 2008 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sep, 2008.
"Diseño Automatizado por Ordenador de una Agrupación de Ranuras con Alimentación en Guía de Onda",
Simposium Nacional URSI 2016, September, 2016.
"Dual-mode filters in equilateral triangular waveguides with wide spurious-free response",
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 1192-1195, 2017.
"Efficient Combined Array Thinning and Weighting for Pattern Synthesis With a Nested Optimization Scheme",
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 5107-5117, Nov, 2012.
"Efficient computation and orthonormalization of multiple TEM numerical modes arising from FEM for microwave computer-aided-design",
Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 197–199, 2017.
"Efficient radiation antenna modeling via orthogonal matching pursuit in terms of infinitesimal dipoles",
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15: IEEE, pp. 444–447, 2016.
"Electromagnetic Scattering at the Waveguide Step between Equilateral Triangular Waveguides",
Advances in Mathematical Physics, vol. 2016: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2016.
"Electronically reconfigurable microstrip array antenna with reflective phase shifters at Ku band",
12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), pp. 1-5, April, 2018.
"EM field combination and optimization for RF shimming and SAR control in Magnetic Resonance transmit array systems",
X Iberian Meeting on Computational Electromagnetism, May, 2015.
"Enhanced FEM-based DBIM approach for two-dimensional microwave imaging",
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020.
"On the estimation of the worst-case implant-induced RF-heating in multi-channel MRI",
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 62, no. 12: IOP Publishing, pp. 4711, 2017.