On the UMTS macrocells downlink capacity in open rural zone near shaded Deep Space Network (DSN) installations

TitleOn the UMTS macrocells downlink capacity in open rural zone near shaded Deep Space Network (DSN) installations
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsTaha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, L. Haro-Ariet, and R. M. Rodriguez-Osorio
Conference NameVehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th
Date PublishedSept
Keywords35 km, 3G mobile communication, cellular radio, channel capacity, Diffraction, Downlink, DSN effect, Frequency, Intelligent networks, interference (signal), Macrocell networks, obstacle distance, open rural zone, Propagation losses, radio links, Radio transmitters, receiving antennas, shaded Deep Space Network installations, shaded DSN installation-to-macro-cell distance, space communication links, transmitting antennas, UMTS macrocell downlink capacity