Low-Loss Elliptical Response Filter at 100 GHz

TítuloLow-Loss Elliptical Response Filter at 100 GHz
Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AutoresLeal-Sevillano, C. A., J. R. Montejo-Garai, J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, and J. M. Rebollar
JournalMicrowave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE
Pagination459 -461
Date PublishedSeptember
Palabras claveAsymmetric, band-pass filters, elliptic filters, extracted pole, Fabrication, fabrication method, filter, filtering theory, fractional bandwidth, frequency 100 GHz, higher order mode, image radar system, Insertion loss, loss 0.6 dB, Loss measurement, low insertion loss level, low loss, low-cost milling process, low-loss elliptical response filter, microwave filters, millimetre wave filters, Milling, out of band rejection, pseudo-elliptical four-poles asymmetric response filter, Radar, return loss, transmission zero, two-fold geometry, W-band
ResumenThe design, method of fabrication and experimental validation of a pseudo-elliptical four-poles asymmetric response filter at 100 GHz with 10% of fractional bandwidth is presented. The designed filter is part of an image radar system and must fulfill stringent specifications. The proposed topology and method of fabrication improves the out of band rejection above the pass band in comparison with other classical structures, while keeping a low insertion loss level. A two-fold geometry for implementing a transmission zero is proposed, avoiding the excitation of the first higher order mode and easing the manufacturing without any tuning element. A low-cost milling process is used for the fabrication of the device. The final design fulfills the desired specifications and presents 0.6 dB of insertion loss level at 100 GHz. The excellent agreement between simulations and measurements at this frequency band in both, return loss and insertion loss, is pointed out.