Inclusion of the Feeding Network Effects in the Generalized-Scattering-Matrix Formulation of a Finite Array

TítuloInclusion of the Feeding Network Effects in the Generalized-Scattering-Matrix Formulation of a Finite Array
Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AutoresRubio, J., J. Córcoles, and M. A. Gonzalez de Aza
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Palabras claveantenna feeds, antenna radiation pattern, antenna radiation patterns, aperture antenna, cavity-backed patch antenna, dielectric resonator antenna, dielectric resonator antennas, DRA, electromagnetic coupling, entire-domain basis function, Entire-domain basis functions, external mutual coupling, feeding network effect, finite array, generalized scattering matrix (GSM), generalized scattering matrix formulation, GSM, internal coupling effect, mismatching effect, monopole antenna, multiport networks, Mutual coupling, S-matrix theory, spherical wave, spherical wave expansion, waveguide antenna arrays, waveguide-fed array
ResumenThe formulation of the generalized scattering matrix (GSM) of a finite array is revised to take into account the feeding network effects in the calculation of the external mutual coupling. It allows the analysis of finite arrays of externally coupled elements whose radiated field can be described by means of spherical waves on a ground plane, such as apertures, monopoles, cavity-backed patch antennas, or dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs), including rigorously the mismatching and internal coupling effects because of the feeding network.