Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)
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"A Pseudo-Elliptical Response Filter at W-Band Fabricated with Thick SU-8 Photo-Resist Technology",
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 105-107, March, 2012.
"A Pseudo-Elliptical Response Filter at W-Band Fabricated with Thick SU-8 Photo-Resist Technology",
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 105-107, March, 2012.
"Recent Results on Waveguide Filters at W-Band",
Proc. 2012 ESA Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop, pp. 1-6, Nov., 2012.
"Rigorous analysis of the parallel plate waveguide: From the transverse electromagnetic mode to the surface plasmon polaritons",
Radio Science, vol. 47, no. RS0NO2, pp. 1-8, February, 2012.
"Symmetrical Response Filter Design Applying the Bartlett’s Theorem and Using Riblet’s Couplers",
Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 1-4, Sep., 2012.
"Synthesis and design of waveguide band-stop filters without out-of-band spurious responses for plasma diagnosis",
Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 89, no. 9, pp. 1662-1666, September, 2012.
"Upper Frequency Limit of the Power Loss Method for the Estimation of Ohmic Losses in Hollow Metallic Waveguides",
2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 1-4, June, 2012.
"CAD for Dual-Band Polarizers in Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide",
Proc. 41st European Microwave Conference, pp. 822-825, Oct., 2011.
"Design of Contiguous-Band Elliptic-Response Manifold Output Multiplexers by Efficient Cancellation of Reactive Impedance Parts",
Proc. VIII Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional (in Spanish), pp. 1, Nov., 2011.
"Diseño de Multiplexores Manifold de Salida y Banda Contigua con Respuesta Elíptica Mediante la Cancelación Eficiente de la Parte Reactiva de la Impedancia",
Proc. 2011 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2011.
"Diseño y Optimizaciónn de Polarizadores Doble-Banda en Guía Rectangular Corrugada",
Proc. 2011 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2011.
"Field Propagation in Circular Hollow Waveguides with Non-Ideal Metallic Conductors from Microwaves to Terahertz Frequencies",
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3013-3022, Dec, 2011.
"Multipactor prediction in waveguide band-stop filters with wideband spurious-free response",
Proc. International workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM), pp. 1-6, Sep., 2011.
"Rigorous Analysis of the Parallel-Plate Waveguide by the Hybrid Mode Formulation:From the TEM mode to the Surface Plasmon Polariton",
Proc. 2011 URSIGAAS, pp. 1-4, August, 2011.
"SEMCAD X Microwave: Enhanced Simulation of Waveguide Structures",
Microwave Engineering Europe, vol. September, pp. 12-15, 2011.
"Waveguide Devices with Integrated Polarization Twist for Broadband Applications",
Proc. 2011 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1, July, 2011.
"A New Model for the Electromagnetic Characterization of SIW",
Proc. VII Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Apr., 2010.
"Nuevo Modelo para la Caracterización Electromagnética de SIW",
Proc. 2010 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2010.
"RF Propagation in Indoor Environment at WiMAX Band of 3.5 GHz",
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 24, no. 17-18, pp. 2495 - 2508, Jan., 2010.
"Simple Models For The Analysis Of Waveguiding Systems At The Terahertz Band Using Classical Microwave Approaches",
Proc. 2010 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCap), pp. 1-5, Apr., 2010.
"An extremely wideband ridge waveguide filter",
2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol. 2, pp. 615-618, June, 2004.
"Two local refinement algorithms for tetrahedral meshes",
7th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 1, May, 2004.