Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)
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"Simple equivalent circuit of multi-aperture rectangular iris in rectangular waveguide",
Proc. 2005 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1, July, 2005.
"Synthesis and design of a manifold triplexer implemented in a three layer rectangular H-plane waveguide",
Proc. 35th European Microwave Conference, vol. 1, pp. 1-4, Oct., 2005.
"Synthesis and design of in-line N-order filters with N real transmission zeros by means of extracted poles implemented in low-cost rectangular H-plane waveguide",
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1636-1642, May, 2005.
"Application of the simulated annealing for waveguide filters with complicated frequency response",
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 807-812, Oct., 2004.
"Diseño y medida de un filtro dual-mode en cavidad elíptica",
Proc. 2004 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2004.
"Estimation of the patch-array-coupling model through radiated-field measurements",
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 59-65, Oct., 2004.
"High power-low loss band pass rectangular waveguide H-plane filters with finite real frequency transmission zeros",
Proc. 2004 Int. Workshop on Microwave Filters CNES-ESA, pp. 1-2, Sept., 2004.
"Characterisation of waveguide discontinuities with finite wall conductivity",
Proc. 2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, vol. 4, pp. 428-431, June, 2002.
"CAD of dual-mode filters with elliptical cavities",
Proc. 11th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves, pp. 11, July, 2001.
"Comparación entre diferentes técnicas para el cálculo de pérdidas de inserción en filtros",
Proc. II Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional (in Spanish), pp. 1, Dec., 2001.