Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)
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"WiMAX in high altitude platforms (HAPs) communications over large cities",
Systems, Signals and Devices, 2009. SSD '09. 6th International Multi-Conference on, pp. 1-4, March, 2009.
"On the Impact of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) on Macrocell Downlink of UMTS and CDMA-450 Systems",
Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 406-412, May, 2008.
"On High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) UMTS-HSDPA",
Wireless Technology, 2006. The 9th European Conference on, pp. 223-226, Sept, 2006.
"On the Impact of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) System on Macrocell Downlink of IS-136 Systems",
Wireless Communication Systems, 2006. ISWCS '06. 3rd International Symposium on, pp. 645-649, Sept, 2006.
"On the UMTS-HSDPA in High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) Communications",
Wireless Communication Systems, 2006. ISWCS '06. 3rd International Symposium on, pp. 704-708, Sept, 2006.
"WiMAX in High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) Communications",
Wireless Technology, 2006. The 9th European Conference on, pp. 245-248, Sept, 2006.
"High altitude platforms (HAPs) W-CDMA system over cities",
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005. VTC 2005-Spring. 2005 IEEE 61st, vol. 4, pp. 2673-2677 Vol. 4, May, 2005.
"Proposed FDSS UWB communications system",
Wireless Technology, 2005. The European Conference on, pp. 137-140, Oct, 2005.
"Down-link analysis of a FDSS-GSM overlay system",
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th, vol. 5, pp. 2502-2506, May, 2004.
"LEO satellite W-CDMA downlink pole capacity",
Wireless Technology, 2004. 7th European Conference on, pp. 173-176, Oct, 2004.
"On the UMTS macrocells downlink capacity in open rural zone near shaded Deep Space Network (DSN) installations",
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th, vol. 7, pp. 5245-5249 Vol. 7, Sept, 2004.
"On the capacity of air-ground W-CDMA system (downlink analysis)",
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Spring. The 57th IEEE Semiannual, vol. 1, pp. 103-106 vol.1, April, 2003.
"Quasi-optimum downlink power control of high altitude platform W-CDMA system",
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Spring. The 57th IEEE Semiannual, vol. 4, pp. 2476-2479 vol.4, April, 2003.
"The overlay of intelligent FDSS system on N-CDMA system",
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002. The 13th IEEE International Symposium on, vol. 2, pp. 774-778 vol.2, Sept, 2002.
"Partial overlay of intelligent FDSS on microwave point to point link using subchannel suppression, downlink analysis of the FDSS system",
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002. The 13th IEEE International Symposium on, vol. 2, pp. 770-773 vol.2, Sept, 2002.