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Taha-Ahmed, B., J. Córcoles-Ortega, R. V. Haro-Baez, C. A. Leal-Sevillano, J. L. Masa-Campos, J. R. Montejo-Garai, E. Garcia-Marin, A. Morán-López, L. Polo-Lopez, J. M. Rebollar-Machain, et al., "Desarrollo de componentes pasivos con división/combinación de potencia para sistemas de comunicaciones", Simposium Nacional URSI 2015, September, 2015.
Haro-Baez, R. V., J. L. Masa-Campos, J. A. Ruiz Cruz, P. Sanchez-Olivares, and E. V. Carrera, "Desarrollo de Redes Divisoras de Potencia con N-puertos", Simposium Nacional URSI 2016, September, 2016.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., J. R. Montejo-Garai, J. M. Rebollar, A. I. Daganzo, and I. Hidalgo-Carpintero, "Design of Riblet-type couplers for Ka band applications", Proc. 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, pp. 4276-4279, June, 2007.
Montejo-Garai, J. R., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, J. M. Rebollar, A.. Onoro-Navarro, I. Hidalgo-Carpintero, and M. J. Padilla-Cruz, "Design of Self-Equalised Elliptic Filter Channels in Ka-Band Implemented in Rectangular H-Plane Waveguide", Proc. 36th European Microwave Conference, pp. 1087-1090, Sept., 2006.
Haro-Baez, R. V., J. L. Masa-Campos, J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, P. Sanchez-Olivares, and E. V. Carrera, "Development of Radial Waveguide Dividers with Large Number of Ports", Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on, pp. 58-62, July, 2015.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., J. R. Montejo-Garai, J. M. Rebollar, A. I. Daganzo, and I. Hidalgo-Carpintero, "Diseño de Acopladores Tipo Riblet en Banda Ka", Proc. 2007 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2007.
Garcia-Marin, E., P. Sanchez-Olivares, J. L. Masa-Campos, J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, and J. Herranz-Alpanseque, "Dual Circularly Polarized Waveguide Array Antenna Formed by Full-Metallic Bow-tie Radiating Cavities", 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 1-5, March, 2020.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. Haro-Ariet, "Impact of ultra wide band (UWB) on digital audio broadcasting (DAB) and digital television (DTV) systems", Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2005. PIMRC 2005. IEEE 16th International Symposium on, vol. 4, pp. 2611-2615 Vol. 4, Sept, 2005.