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Ahmed, B. T., J. L. Masa-Campos, and D. Brande-Hernández, "UWB four elements antenna array", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1284-1294, 2019.
Leal-Sevillano, C. A., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, J. R. Montejo-Garai, and J. M. Rebollar, "Upper Frequency Limit of the Power Loss Method for the Estimation of Ohmic Losses in Hollow Metallic Waveguides", 2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 1-4, June, 2012.
Taha-Ahmed, B., and M. Calvo-Ramón, "Uplink multiservice capacity and interference statistics of WCDMA macrocells with antenna diversity reception in a multipath fading environment", Computer Communications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 907-912, 2009.
Taha-Ahmed, B., "Uplink Multi-service Capacity and Interference Statistic of City Streets WCDMA Cross-shaped Microcells with Imperfect Power Control and Finite Transmitted Power", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 233-246, 2008.
Ahmed, B. T., M. C. Ramon, and L. H. Ariet, "On the UMTS-HSDPA in High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) Communications", Wireless Communication Systems, 2006. ISWCS '06. 3rd International Symposium on, pp. 704-708, Sept, 2006.
Taha-Ahmed, B., and M. Calvo-Ramón, "UMTS-HSDPA in High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication with finite transmitted power and unequal cell's load", Computer Communications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 828-833, 2009.
Taha-Ahmed, B., and M. Anaya de Paz, "UMTS Multi-Service Uplink Capacity and Interference Statistics of Femtocells", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1057-1073, 2013.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, L. Haro-Ariet, and R. M. Rodriguez-Osorio, "On the UMTS macrocells downlink capacity in open rural zone near shaded Deep Space Network (DSN) installations", Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th, vol. 7, pp. 5245-5249 Vol. 7, Sept, 2004.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., Y. Zhang, K. A. Zaki, A. J. Piloto, and J. Tallo, "Ultra-Wideband LTCC Ridge Waveguide Filters", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 115-117, Feb., 2007.
Taha-Ahmed, B., "UHF Band Short Range Propagation Model", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 2913-2929, 2013.
Córcoles-Ortega, J., S. Llorente-Romano, and M. Salazar-Palma, "Two local refinement algorithms for tetrahedral meshes", 7th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 1, May, 2004.
Sanchez-Olivares, P., and J. L. Masa-Campos, "Tuning Vias Four Cross Slot Planar Array over Substrate Integrated Waveguide", Simposium Nacional URSI 2013, September, 2013.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., M. M. Fahmi, and R. R. Mansour, "Triple-Conductor Combline Resonators for Dual-Band Filters With Enhanced Guard-Band Selectivity", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3969-3979, December, 2012.
Masa-Campos, J. L., I. Montesinos-Ortego, and M. Sierra-Pérez, "Triangular planar array of a pyramidal adaptive antenna for satellite communications at 1.7 GHz", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2633 - 2639, Nov., 2009.
Medina-Mena, F., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, F. L. Mesa-Ledesma, J. R. Montejo-Garai, J. M. Rebollar, and R. Marques-Sillero, "Transmisión Extraordinaria sin Plasmones de Superficie", Proc. 2009 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2009.
Lu, P.., J. Córcoles, and P.. Kosmas, "Tools for the efficient implementation of the DBIM algorithm in microwave imaging experiments", 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020, 2020.
Rubio, J., J. Córcoles, J. F. Izquierdo, R. Gómez-Alcalá, and J.. Zapata, "Thinned Arrays by using the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm and spherical-wave field synthesis", X Iberian Meeting on Computational Electromagnetism, May, 2015.
Polo-Lopez, L.., J. Córcoles, J.A.. Ruiz-Cruz, J.R.. Montejo-Garai, and J.M.. Rebollar, "On the Theoretical Maximum Directivity of a Radiating Aperture from Modal Field Expansions", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2781-2786, 2019.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., Y. Zhang, J. M. Rebollar, K. A. Zaki, J. R. Montejo-Garai, and A. J. Piloto, "TEM Mode-Matching Analysis of Multi-coupled Strip-line Filters", 2007 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 541-544, June, 2007.
