Title | Compact Full Ku-Band Triplexer With Improved E-Plane Power Divider |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Authors | Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., J. R. Montejo-Garai, J. M. Rebollar, and S.. Sobrino |
Journal | Progress in Electromagnetic Research |
Volume | 86 |
Pagination | 39-51 |
Date Published | October |
ISSN | 1559-8985 |
Abstract | An improved E-plane power divider for compact waveguide triplexers with large separation between channels is presented. The configuration of the divider aims to exploit the different behavior of the device for frequency bands with large separation, leading to a very asymmetric E-plane junction. H-plane filters with inductive windows are used for each channel, in order to obtain reduced insertion losses and lower sensitivity than in metal-insert E-plane filters. The resultant triplexer configuration is very compact, and its design is analyzed and optimized by Mode-Matching. The experimental results of a full Ku-band prototype for communications satellite systems show a very good agreement with the expected simulated response. |
URL | http://ceta.mit.edu/pier/pier86/03.08082803.pdf |
DOI | 10.2528/PIER08082803 |