Title | Full-wave modeling and optimization of Boifot junction ortho-mode transducers |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Authors | Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., J. R. Montejo-Garai, and J. M. Rebollar |
Journal | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering |
Volume | 18 |
Pagination | 303-313 |
Date Published | July |
ISSN | 1096-4290 |
Keywords | Boifot ortho-mode transducer, full-wave optimization, generalized admittance matrix, mode-matching |
Abstract | The full-wave design of broadband ortho-mode transducers based on the Boifot junction has two main aspects: an efficient analysis method and a design process divided into tasks with relatively low computational effort. In the analysis part, a rigorous mode-matching technique has been developed to obtain the generalized admittance matrix of the Boifot junction. The other elements of the device are also analyzed by mode-matching. With respect to the design, the proposed procedure starts with the optimization of the individual building blocks of the device. Their interaction is also taken into account in a systematic process. The analysis and design methods have been validated with other numerical methods and an experimental prototype |
URL | http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119140992/PDFSTART |
DOI | 10.1002/mmce.20287 |