Omnidirectional circularly polarized slot antenna fed by a cylindrical waveguide in millimeter band

TitleOmnidirectional circularly polarized slot antenna fed by a cylindrical waveguide in millimeter band
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMasa-Campos, J. L., J. M. Fernández, and M. Sierra-Pérez
JournalMicrowave and Optical Technology Letters
Date PublishedMar.
KeywordsCircular polarization, conformal slotted waveguide array, transversal magnetic mode, waveguide to coaxial transition
AbstractA circularly polarized slotted array antenna is presented. The array is fed by a circular waveguide propagating the TM01, to properly generate the required polarization. An omnidirectional azimuth radiation pattern is obtained, as well as a ?10°/+30° elevation antenna coverage. Low losses are achieved because of the waveguide feed. The slot array is mechanized over the metallic wall of the circular waveguide. Furthermore, the antenna presents a solid and rigid mechanical structure, which guarantees an optimum and repetitive response in a manufacturing process. A prototype antenna has been designed and measured. Satisfactory results have been obtained. The slotted array takes part from a signal detection system centered in 36.85 GHz.