Matriz de compensación de acoplos mutuos para agrupaciones de antenas en problemas de radiación

TitleMatriz de compensación de acoplos mutuos para agrupaciones de antenas en problemas de radiación
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRubio, J., J. F. Izquierdo, and J. Córcoles
Conference NameProc. 2014 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish)
Date PublishedSep
AbstractIn this work, a general method to obtain a matrix which allows compensating the mutual coupling effects in arrays for the total field in all directions is introduced. This method is independent of the numerical method used in the analysis and it can include the effect of the antenna platform. The starting point can be the active element patterns or spherical near-field antenna measurements. It will be shown how the capabilities of compensation depend strongly on the array element.