Narrowband Short Range Directive Channel Propagation Loss in Indoor Environment at Three Frequency Bands

TitleNarrowband Short Range Directive Channel Propagation Loss in Indoor Environment at Three Frequency Bands
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsTaha-Ahmed, B., J. L. Masa-Campos, and C. A. Naranjo-Hidalgo
JournalWireless Personal Communication
Pagination507 - 520
Date PublishedSep.
KeywordsDirective channel, Propagation loss, Single slope propagation model, two slope propagation model
AbstractPropagation loss models for indoor environment are presented. The narrowband directive channel propagation loss in indoor environment at three frequency bands namely (2.4, 3.3 and 5.5) GHz is measured. Sets of directive panel antennas are used in the measurements. RF signal generator and a spectrum analyzer are used in the measurement campaign. It is found that propagation loss is sensitive to the scenario configuration. It is noticed that the propagation loss can be modelled by a single slope propagation model or two slopes propagation model.