Recent Advances in Filter Topologies and Realizations for Satellite Communications

TítuloRecent Advances in Filter Topologies and Realizations for Satellite Communications
Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AutoresFahmi, M. M., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, R. R. Mansour, and K. A. Zaki
JournalJournal of Communications and Networks
Date PublishedDec
Palabras clavefull-wave simulators, RF and microwave filters, waveguide technologies
ResumenThis paper presents an overview of recent advances in radio frequency and microwave filter topologies for satellite communication systems. Many types of filters have been developed during the last years in order to satisfy the demands of modern applications in both terrestrial systems and onboard spacecrafts, leading to a great variety of aspects such as transfer functions, resonator implementations or coupling structures. This paper revisits some of the last advances in this area, including the modeling and full-wave simulation. Some recent designs using dual-mode cavities along with other novel implementations in ridge waveguide will be shown.