Publicaciones Científicas (Scientific Publications)

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Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "Down-link analysis of a FDSS-GSM overlay system", Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th, vol. 5, pp. 2502-2506, May, 2004.
Fernández, J. M., J. L. Masa-Campos, M. Sierra-Castañer, D. Castellanos, and M. Sierra-Pérez, "Estimation of the patch-array-coupling model through radiated-field measurements", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 59-65, Oct., 2004.
Liu, Z. M., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, C. Wang, and K. A. Zaki, "An extremely wideband ridge waveguide filter", 2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol. 2, pp. 615-618, June, 2004.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., M. A. El Sabbagh, K. A. Zaki, and J. M. Rebollar, "Full-wave design of canonical ridge waveguide filters", 2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol. 2, pp. 603-606, June, 2004.
Montejo-Garai, J. R., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, J. M. Rebollar, M. J. Padilla-Cruz, and O-N. A. I Hidalgo-Carpintero, "High power-low loss band pass rectangular waveguide H-plane filters with finite real frequency transmission zeros", Proc. 2004 Int. Workshop on Microwave Filters CNES-ESA, pp. 1-2, Sept., 2004.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., and J. M. Rebollar, "Interpretation of resonance at inclined multi-aperture rectangular iris with arbitrary locations in rectangular waveguide", Proc. 2004 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 45, June, 2004.
Ahmed, B. T., M. C. Ramon, and L. H. Ariet, "LEO satellite W-CDMA downlink pole capacity", Wireless Technology, 2004. 7th European Conference on, pp. 173-176, Oct, 2004.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., K. A. Zaki, and J. M. Rebollar, "Mode-matching analysis of a coaxial-to-stripline discontinuity applied to the modeling of a coaxial probe", Proc. 2004 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, vol. 2, pp. 2139-2142, June, 2004.
Córcoles-Ortega, J., S. Llorente-Romano, and M. Salazar-Palma, "Two local refinement algorithms for tetrahedral meshes", 7th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, pp. 1, May, 2004.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, L. Haro-Ariet, and R. M. Rodriguez-Osorio, "On the UMTS macrocells downlink capacity in open rural zone near shaded Deep Space Network (DSN) installations", Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th, vol. 7, pp. 5245-5249 Vol. 7, Sept, 2004.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramón, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "W-CDMA Uplink Capacity and Interference Statistics of a Long Tunnel Cigar-shaped Microcells Using the Hybrid Model of Propagation with Imperfect Power Control", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 31, no. 1-2, pp. 19-31, 2004.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "W-CDMA uplink capacity and interference statistics of a long tunnel cigar-shaped microcells", Communications and Networks, Journal of, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 106-111, June, 2004.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "W-CDMA uplink capacity and interference statistics of a long tunnel cigar-shaped microcells (underground train case)", Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2004. PIMRC 2004. 15th IEEE International Symposium on, vol. 3, pp. 2231-2235 Vol.3, Sept, 2004.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramón, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "W-CDMA Uplink Capacity and Interference Statistics of Rural Highways Cross-Shaped Microcells", IJWIN, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 55-62, 2004.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., G. G. Gentili, and J. M. Rebollar, "Analysis of waveguide junctions by the Boundary Contour Mode-Matching Method with segmented regions", Proc. 2005 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1, July, 2005.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., M. A. El Sabbagh, K. A. Zaki, J. M. Rebollar, and Y. Zhang, "Canonical ridge waveguide filters in LTCC or metallic resonators", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 174-182, Jan., 2005.
Masa-Campos, J. L., J. M. Fernández, M. Sierra-Castañer, and M. Sierra-Pérez, "Coupling Characterization and Compensation Model for Antenna Arrays", Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 95-110, Dec., 2005.
Zhang, Y., K. A. Zaki, and J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, "Dual mode bandpass filter with asymmetric transfer function", Proc. 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, vol. 2B, pp. 634-637, July, 2005.
Ruiz-Cruz, J. A., and J. M. Rebollar, "Eigenmodes of waveguides using a boundary contour mode-matching method with an FFT scheme", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 286-295, May, 2005.
Montejo-Garai, J. R., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, and J. M. Rebollar, "Full-Wave Design of H-Plane Contiguous Manifold Output Multiplexers Using the Fictitious Reactive Load Concept", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 2628-2632, Aug., 2005.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. de Haro-Ariet, "High altitude platforms (HAPs) W-CDMA system over cities", Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005. VTC 2005-Spring. 2005 IEEE 61st, vol. 4, pp. 2673-2677 Vol. 4, May, 2005.
Taha-Ahmed, B., M. Calvo-Ramon, and L. Haro-Ariet, "Impact of ultra wide band (UWB) on digital audio broadcasting (DAB) and digital television (DTV) systems", Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2005. PIMRC 2005. IEEE 16th International Symposium on, vol. 4, pp. 2611-2615 Vol. 4, Sept, 2005.
Montejo-Garai, J. R., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, and J. M. Rebollar, "Implementación de filtros con ceros de transmisión mediante polos extraídos en tecnología plano-H", Proc. IV Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional (in Spanish), pp. 1-5, Sept., 2005.
Fahmi, M. M., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, K. A. Zaki, and A. J. Piloto, "LTCC wide-band canonical ridge waveguide filters", 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 249-252, June, 2005.
Montejo-Garai, J. R., J. A. Ruiz-Cruz, and J. M. Rebollar, "Nuevo Método de Diseño de Multiplexores de Salida en Configuración Manifold y Estructura Plano-H", Proc. 2005 Simposium Nacional URSI (in Spanish), pp. 1-4, Sept., 2005.
